
  For processing/consideration for use elsewhere


      Tycho Brahe   here                                         Jupiter  here

Outer Space Treaty  here


 If it is so hard to land on the Moon even now, how did Apollo 11 manage to land on the Moon 50 years ago? Did they use any special technique?  here




 1.200. A planet of mass M moves along a circle around the Sun with velocity v = 34.9 km/s (relative to the heliocentric reference frame). Find the period of revolution of this planet around the Sun.  

1.200. T = 23-iyM/v3 = 225 days



1.201. The Jupiter's period of revolution around the Sun is 12 times that of the Earth. Assuming the planetary orbits to be circular, find: 

 (a) how many times the distance between the Jupiter and the Sun exceeds that between the Earth and the Sun;

(a) 5.2 times

 (b) the velocity and the acceleration of Jupiter in the heliocentric reference frame.  

 (b) 13 km/s, 2.2.10-4 m/s2.

1.202. A planet of mass M moves around the Sun along an ellipse so that its minimum distance from the Sun is equal to r and the maxi-mum distance to R. Making use of Kepler's laws, find its period of revolution around the Sun. 1.203. 

 1.202. A planet of mass M moves around the Sun along an ellipse so that its minimum distance from the Sun is equal to r and the maxi-mum distance to R. Making use of Kepler's laws, find its period of revolution around the Sun. 1.203. A small body starts falling ont

 T = (r R)3/2yM. It is sufficient to consider the motion along the circle whose radius is equal to the major semi-axis of the given ellipse, i.e. (r R)12, since in accordance with Kepler's laws the period of revolution is the same.













 This book of problems is intended as a textbook for students at higher educational institutions studying advanced course in physics. Besides, because of the great number of simple problems it may be used by students studying a general course in physics. The book contains about 1900 problems with hints for solving the most complicated ones. For students' convenience each chapter opens with a time-saving summary of the principal formulas for the relevant area of physics. As a rule the formulas are given without detailed explanations since a stu-dent, starting solving a problem, is assumed to know the meaning of the quantities appearing in the formulas. Explanatory notes are only given in those cases when misunderstanding may arise. All the formulas in the text and answers are in SI system, except in Part Six, where the Gaussian system is used. Quantitative data and answers are presented in 





 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=MLkHa1KZF4wC&hl=en&pg=GBS.PT34  ebook






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MATTER The ground beneath your feet, the air around you, and the stars in the sky are made of matter. You are made of matter, too. All matter is made of minute particles called atoms, which join together in countless ways to form an astonishing variety of substances.


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